Sunday, January 6, 2008

(An Address to the Dead) Part 1 of 3

By Michael Tsarion

Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing tactics, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception - Mark Twain

The WAR ON TERRA is merely the latest move in the great game played out by the Atonist Establishment, the Royals and Vatican's Jesuit-Masonic sorcerers, who expertly employ the Dialectic ("Ordo Ab Chao") to further their very personal aspirations dating back to an old world order that you are supposed to know nothing about. So let's get clear on a few things and remain sane in the midst of growing worldwide insanity. Let's understand that the elusive demagogues, tyrants, and Atonist pharaohs of old, with their conspicuous lieutenants, are still plying their vile imperialist trade from behind the visible governments and religions of your world.
I rejected that hardened, sullen-tempered Pharaoh of England forever...and disdain the wretch - Thomas Paine (American Founding Father on British King George III)

Let's understand that the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is engineered from London and New York by elites with ancient origins. Age after age, they concoct bogus conflicts to create an ambience of fear and paranoia and to ensure few of you become aware of the real enemies of mankind. Those so-called Islamic "extremists" are funded by the same hidden hands that fund the Zionists and the Fundamentalist Christian Evangelists. Israel, dear people - the real Israel - has little to do with either religious Jews or the Torah; just as Christ has little to do with modern Vatican-style Christianity of American Evangelism.

You have been "Mel Gibsoned" and "Pat Robertzoned" to death, and are mentally infected by many a deadly pathogen, the worst of which is ignorance. Happily, the cure is on its way.
"Al Qaeda," your new bogey, is the brain-child of the same Vatican, New York City, and London based intelligentsia that once funded Hitler and his Nazis, that concocted the now shelved "Soviet Experiment," that funded Franco, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Batista, Pinochet, Noriega, and every other demagogue or tyranny throughout the world. The heat is being turned up "over there" both for ritual purposes and to distract you from noticing the final demise of your once great country that has been scourged and raped economically and politically by its direst enemies, the legions of the British Crown. Are you not sick of the performance, sick of the lies, and of voting in despots out to eviscerate your country?
On May 10, 1982, addressing a celebration at the Royal Institute for International Affairs at Chatham House in London, Kissinger boasted that throughout his career...he had always been closer to the British Foreign Office than to his American colleagues, and had taken all his major policy leads from London...Chatham House is a successor to the old British East India Company, and serves as the think-tank and foreign intelligence arm of the British Crown - Dope Inc

Paul O’Neill - who was a member of the National Security Council as well as being in charge of fiscal policy - made a shocking revelation to Ron Suskind that not only are public events scripted, but even cabinet (and other) meetings within the White House with the President are scripted, where everyone but Bush has speaking parts. Bush’s role is merely to nod or listen expressionlessly, aside from his occasional cryptic (or cynical comments) - John Dean (Worse Than Watergate)

This crime, this Fabian "War of Attrition," has been going on in plain view from the outset. It is now moving toward completion and there is no going back. Because of their unseen hand, which you think does not exist, ignorance is wall to wall. Logic, Truth, and Justice are corpses and the Children of the Nephilim continue to erect their vile empires over their bones.

The shelves of our public libraries hold thousands of books pertaining to some aspect of this vast subject…In running through those works some amazing nuggets of information come to light here and there, which fitted together gradually unfold the stunning history and the legal structure of a sovereign world state located in the financial district of the loosely knit aggregation of boroughs and cities popularly known as the city of London. The colossal political and financial organization centered in this area, known as “The City,” operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident occurs in any part of the world without its participation in some form – E. C. Knuth (The Empire of “The City:” The Secret History of British Financial Power, 1944)

The British monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Fuehrer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain's planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia - Scott Thompson (The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor)

The Roosevelt family was the largest stockholder in the company which was a supporter of Hitler. General Electric subsidiaries in Germany assist the process of financing the Nazi empire, together with I. G. Farben, who contributed as much as 45 percent - Valdamar Valerian (The Master Chronology)

A Jew is not necessarily a Zionist, as the Zionists and Masons (with their insider-smiles) well know. There is no "Holy Land" or "Chosen People." That is all a concoction of London and the Vatican.

Additionally, the fanatical heads of all major Islamic countries and states (all established artificially from post-war England), those so-called "Jihadists" with anti-Jewish zeal are, likewise, British backed and educated agents totally complicit in the faux conflict they have been groomed to perpetuate. Zionism is not religious. It is a political and fanatical ideology hiding behind religious Judaism. Evangelism is a political and fanatical ideology hiding behind the front of Christianity. The Evangelist preaches Masonic (Atonist) doctrines, but you buy into it because you want "Daddy" so badly and because you have sold your own sanity for security. You are a safe in numbers. You are a "believer" on your way to the "promised land." Or so you think.Actually, you operate on the "slave-think" level and do your master's bidding unawares. You have grown accustomed to your prison and your servitude to death and lies. The biggest threat in your world is Truth. As long as you have a few cushions for your cell, so to speak, some salt in your gruel, and as long as you are permitted an opinion or two within the political den, created by your masters, you are okay with a mediocre lifestyle and the regimented predictability of your conformist and artificial existence. You have convinced your screaming soul that it is safer and better to just conform and be a repressed, toxic, thoughtless, frustrated, and programmed orc marching to the drum-beat of your imperious marshals. As long as one slave can bellow "Allah!" louder than another screeching "Anti-Semite!" then all is well and death can stalk the lands

We must always separate Zionism from the Jewish people...the Zionists work for the Pope and are Masonic...Shimon Perez is a Mason...he was trained by Jesuits as a young man when he grew up in Poland...he deeded the old city of Jerusalem to the Vatican in September 1993 - Erich Jon Phelps (Vatican Assassins Presentation)

Yes, sleep well people, under the shadow of the great double-headed eagle that tears the world and your brothers and sisters to pieces. Any authority or intelligence who stands against the "Dialectic" is removed violently or compromised (Mohammad Mossedegh, Malcolm X, George Lincoln Rockwell, Ezra Pound, Charles Lindbergh Sr., Father Alberto Rivera, Senator McCarthy, President Alan Garcia of Peru, etc) and replaced by "Quislings," those puppets of the elite who deliberately bring ruin to their own people and to their supposed adversaries. While these straw dogs meet in their secret lodges, to laugh and jig, misery reigns abroad as it has for millennia. And the world does not appear to be "getting the picture." You can't seem to understand that although the many lieutenants undergo a cosmetic makeover, as the decades pass, they remain loyal to the shadowy dynasties that fund and control them. Yes, never forget the ancient vile, lidless and bloodshot eye that watches you from behind the facades of the orgs you think act independently, the Fabians, Reds, Democrats, Republicans, Nazis, Zionists, Masons, Templars, Opus Dei, CFR, etc, etc. The Royal Institute of International Affairs is called "Royal" for a reason. But its not simply referring to the folks at Buck Palace.

When the right wing Freemason is finished, his left wing brother takes over - Juri Lina (Architects of Deception)

But apparently, you don't want to realize that enemies are created, just as friends and allies are. You don't want to face the fact that you and your children are victims in a global snuff drama, or that what you witness every evening on the news is a game, an highly funded act - an act of sorcery. Two rabid pit-bulls tear each other to pieces in a pen. Two rabid countries, factions, sects, or cliques do the same thing on the world's stage. Do you think there is a difference? There's none that I can think of.

Who built the pen? Who trained the cocks and pit bulls? Who's taking the bets? That's your homework folks. You'd better get your heads down and find out just what all the kings horses and all the kings men have been up to while you slept.

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will…If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it - David Rockefeller (Memoirs, page 405)

We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward world government - David Rockefeller (Address to the Trilateral Commission, June 1991)

...not until David Rockefeller bought himself a U.S. administration in 1976, as the ancient European Fondi installed themselves in Wall Street, did narcotics traffic start to become serious business for the world's biggest banks - Dope Inc

Saddam had the maniacal extremists under control. He was not living in a stasis field like them. They could not squeak under his regime and he was no threat to America or England. But, it did not matter. Like so many puppets he was expendable. His strings were sliced from above and down he fell like so many before him.

He was merely a temporary pawn on the Grand Chessboard of the royal geopolitical strategists and their imperialist orgs, such as the IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and Council on Foreign Relations; that function, independently and collectively, as did the old British East India, Virginia, and Hudson Bay Companies. Each of them grow fatter on the economic ruin of the countries they financially "support." You imagine that Uncle Sam rules from the White House, right? You had better think again. Uncle Sam has a gun to his head and a blade to his throat. He is surrounded by his enemies whose war of attrition has succeeded in bringing him to his knees. Now he so weak he can't resist his guileful and merciless torturers. He takes orders from London, Rome, and New York, from the Fabian cronies of the crown at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Georgetown University, Buckingham Palace, and St. James Square. Hell, you don't know that you lost the war of independence? You don’t know that you are famous for losing the wars you win? Yep, 'fraid so, you're gonna have to fight that one again, and this time win. And this time, fellow warriors, your weapon of choice needs to be knowledge.

The sinister element that sets the British oligarchy apart from the popular image of the mafia family is its unshakable belief that it alone is fit to rule the world...The inheritors of the British East India Company - the same British monarchy and some of the same banking houses - have launched the new Opium War just as they did the first: to loot nations, destroy them, and exalt the power of the become the "The Third and Final Rome" - Dope Inc

Saddam, like Prime-Minister Chamberlain, Arch-Duke Ferdinand of Austria, Gustav III of Sweden, Czar Nicholas II, President Nasser, and so many others, has been removed and sacrificed. But pawns too are those among you who will not see the Dialectic at work, those of you who, due to the disease of ignorance, continue to take sides in this "Skull" or "Bones" fiasco. It is time to realize that it is your complicity and ignorance that permits these sorcerers of hell to destroy legitimate sovereign nations, obliterate civilizations, and silence any who would stand against them to expose their corruption.

The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation. In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds - (The Occult Technocracy of Power)

The President’s job, is not to wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it - Douglas Adams (The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

Well, you know about the sorcerers, but what of the Magicians? What about the true teachers? Unfortunately, they are always disagreeable threats, drawing your attention from your tranquilized delirium. Their counsel can't get through because you can't listen. You're receptivity is blocked by your own ideas and allegiances. You have identified with the objects of your hate, as you have been taught, and have received a rickety form of psychological security as a result. The true teachers speak of the beauty of change, of spontaneity, mutability, curiosity, free-thought, and new perspectives ("Captain, My Captain!").

But this threatens your paper-thin sense of security, so when they talk your brain goes on the blink, and the drivel of pre-digested clichés, platitudes, and half-baked rebuttal begins, all parroted from the smart-ass, double-speaking talking heads on TV. An attack on your silent and unseen contracts with the sorcerers strikes at the root of the self-induced hallucination that has you believe all adversaries and pathogens are external in origin, and that the problems that befall you and the world are political and not psychological in nature. But that is okay. You can live out this lie all the days of your lives if you so desire since it gets you off the hook. Soon, though, the matter will come into court and be settled aright. The brief is being prepared now as you read. But, its comforting to know that when and if your insecurity gets too pronounced there is always the mosque, the synagogue, the chapel, and the church. Yep, there is always GOD - the ultimate fix-all. After all, it is in God's name that you act. "Blow them all away!" wasn't it, Mr. Mason Jerry Faldwell?

But as the wise men know, inner sadism so easily finds its way out into the 3D world. Those infected with emotional and psychic epidemics are at the helm of the "ship of state," steering it toward a crevasse. If we go over the edge, don't blame the ocean.

Are they alien, or are they human? Are the navigators men or demons in human guise? Are they born from the womb of the world's ignorance, sadism, and sickness? Yes, they are, and you are living in their forensic filth. You don't care or notice because they have provided the necessary bread and circuses for your senses, appetites, and edification. They are overjoyed with their experiments and with their world of emotional and psychic prostitutes. They don't offer you truth but they do offer you power. And that is what you have been taught to rank over the love you have never known or received and are now incapable of receiving. Your opinions are baked daily for you by the media and served hot and cold on TV. And you will believe what they tell ya. It’s not what you think that matters, but what Larry King, Oprah, Limbaugh, O'Reilly (and other Jesuit stooges) tell ya that does. Their Orwellian "Talismanic" mantras guide your life - Danger!!! Terror!!! We must give up liberty for freedom. Yes, We must! We must! Well, okay, but just remember that the walls that keep the would-be enemies out also keep you in. So much for your utopian "global village." So, run rabbit run, just keep on riding the snake! The tragedy of 9-11 may have shaken you up, but did it wake you up? That is the question.

The people never give up their liberties, but under some delusion - Edmund Burke (Irish Statesman and Philosopher)

Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization - Zbigniew Brzezinski (The Grand Chessboard)

Your masters have your tranquilizers ready in abundance, ‘cause they really do care for your safety and security. Its the same old song, from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 until now with Bush and his preposterous Patriot Acts that are going to keep you safe.

So lets ask a question. Are you in pain? Do you ache with the stress of living? Well, don't despair 'cause their syringes and pills will make it better. You won't have to inquire why you have this pain? Is it because the only love you have is for power? Is it because your quest for power and dominance is always frustrated by reality that you are stressed? You tell yourself that you desire love and peace, but this is the lie upon which your whole anti-life is founded. You gave up wanting love a long time ago. Power-lust has taken its place. But you have never noticed this about yourself. And neither has the leader you place in power. You and he are self-blinded, stabbing at yourselves in the darkness of your ignorance. Soon, like Dorian Gray, your blade might pierce your heart. Then what? Then it all ends, all the lies, fakery, and debauch.

In the great social meta-script, which is played out again and again, some bogey-man is put before you, and its "Lights, Camera, Action!"

Year after year, decade after decade, and century after century. The proof of the inside-job is before the world and in plain view. The facts are there and nothing is concealed. What does the graffiti say then: Simply this - What your government does abroad today, it does at home tomorrow.

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we - George W. Bush (Freudian-Slip during BBC interview)

...if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched - George Bush Senior (interview with Sarah McClendon, December 1992)

For the rest of the article read it click here