Saturday, December 1, 2007

Organism of the NWO Part 1 Left wing Sheepie (Feminism)

Anti NWO activists need to be aware of enterprises serving the new world order. The following groups/ideologies are used as gatekeepers to brainwash certain type of people to seduce these political active people and come with solutions that don’t go anywhere. As these groups are financed by Corporations run by the NWO. Foundation such as the Rockefeller + Ford Foundation.

Left wing sheepie (Mainstream Authoritarian liberals): These include people that strongly support the Democratic Party and constantly bash evil right wing people and defend democrat politicians which are also bought by the elite. They strongly support cultural Marxism aka political correctness. They strongly support the man made global warming and want fascist policies to deal with it like Co2 tax and depopulation agenda masked as modern day eugenics.
Feminism is strongly supported by Left wing sheepie (Mainstream Authoritarian liberals).

They use constantly hysteria to destroy the family. NWO financed this movement for government to get much bigger as divorce went up considered. As a 33rd degree freemason puppet of the NWO Karl Marx was becoming frustrated because they could not mobilise the 'workers' into tearing down the 'filthy capitalists' who, they reckoned, were exploiting them. These 'communists' just could not figure out why these 'workers' remained so complacent in the face of all this capitalist oppression, and why they could not arouse them into creating some kind of revolution. And without these 'workers' joining them in some kind of mass uprising there seemed to be no way in which they could realise their dream and overthrow the capitalists.

Communists wanted communism which was created by the NWO - where everything was controlled by the government; rather than by businesses. And they hit upon a great idea which was taken up and implemented gradually over the following decades.
The NWO "Break down the families," they said. "Make it difficult for people to have close relationships. This way it will be impossible for them to unite and to oppose the growth of government. Families are also the reason that the workers remain so contented and at peace with their capitalist world. Break down these families, cause as much societal discord as possible and this will make the people beg for more government intervention and control."
The feminists of the time, of course, reckoned that it was women who were being abused and repressed rather than the workers. And they reckoned that it was the men who were abusing and oppressing them.

Indeed, the feminists believed that the institution of marriage itself was a major cause of this oppression. And so, just like the communists that created by these bankers, they also became imbued with the notion that the breaking down of people's relationships and marriages was a good idea.

And so it was, for example, that the suffragettes of the 1900s - having read a bit about the new grand idea of the communists - suddenly changed their minds and supported entry into World War 1. By having millions of men engaged with matters to do with war - with many of them sent abroad to fight - families and relationships could be broken down much more easily. And, even better, women could then be enticed out of their homes and into the workplaces to fill the jobs that were previously being done by the men - who would now be at war.

And so it was that the communists and the feminists were united in the view that the breaking down of close relationships and families would serve both their purposes rather well.
And this is why, for example, the leading feminists financed by the Rockefellers and the CIA of the 60s - Betty Friedan, Jane Fonda etc - were ardent supporters of communism.
Communism would free women from oppression, they said - but they did not say this too loudly at the time, because most of the western world was vehemently opposed to communism; having seen what kind of life those in communist countries were actually leading.

The New world order seized the initiative then let the Rockefellers to finance woman’s liberation movement in the 60’s. They did this so crime would go up, destroy the family unit. Also they get more money from their income tax. The government grew so they control more of the individual lives.

Bit by bit, however, NWO western governments which is have grown hugely in size since then. And they are now extremely powerful.

And what has happened is that the politicians and the government workers themselves have now become a force - a huge force - that is far less concerned with serving the people, and far more concerned with serving itself.

And this is why the distinction between, say, the left and the right of politics has all but evaporated in recent times. As governments have grown ever larger over the past 100 years (about 70-100 times larger judging by the tax take) there has emerged a new force for big government - government itself.

And with millions of government workers across the western world now exerting a truly massive force in favour of themselves - i.e. in favor of ’government’ - the people are being both suckered and forced into supporting their various self-serving agendas.

And, unfortunately for us, what the politicians and the government workers have gradually 'discovered' is that the communists were correct. A great way to maintain big government is to break down people's close relationships and their families.

And this is why western governments nowadays do all that they can to interfere with people's relationships and why it is that feminists - and feminist thinking - are now so entrenched within government departments.

And this is why men now have to walk on eggshells in their dealings with women and children. They can be accused at the drop of a hat of sexual harassment in the workplace/school, of domestic violence and sex-assault in the home, of abusing their own children, and the government will immediately step in and attempt to persecute and prosecute them in some way; even when there is not a shred of objective evidence in support of any case. They did this by using hysteria

While the NWO/politicians can kill and rape children with no consequences. They even have child kidnapping rings. They also give deadly vaccines to children and no outcry from the controlled feminists.

Men can also be thrown out of their homes, denied access to their very own children and divorced with impunity.

The idea behind all these things is to make it very difficult for men to maintain close relationships.

Western governments are also ploughing millions of dollars annually into demonising men through their various bogus and highly-inflammatory campaigns associated with domestic violence and sex-assault, and they are constantly urging women to come forward to allege that they have been abused in some way.

And when it comes to the children, there is nowadays an enormous amount of governmental effort being expending on luring them away even from their mothers.

In summary, there are huge forces emanating from big business, the media, the government and the feminists that strive to break down people's close relationships and their families. Indeed, even those in the judiciary and the legal profession are involved in this. After all, they also benefit enormously from all the problems that relationship breakdowns bring about.
In other words, the forces that bear down upon men and their relationships are nowadays positively enormous.

They are unimaginable. Literally.

Part 2: Political Correct/environmentalists liberals
Part 3: Race relations Movement

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