Sunday, December 23, 2007

The terminal cancer of the NWO in Western society Part 1 Open borders Immigration and the so called war on terror

As you can see from recent headlines from the media the growing decline of our society. This is because of the ever growing organisms serving the interests of the New World Order. It has been done by design. Without showing any remorse of the people in general and to destroy any sense of humanity left in the human race. As you can see from the headlines below, they all integrate with each other for a much sinister picture. Click on the titles below will take you to the news stories below. Most of them relate to the UK but can be easily related to other countries.

Government sponsored terror

7/7 Mastermind was working for British Intelligence

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

Why Is Britain Protecting 'Jihadists'?

Disgraceful open borders Immigration policies

English a minority language in 1,300 schools

Row over payments to failed asylum seekers

The great deception Immigration 25 times higher than ever before

More illegal immigrants could sneak in when border controls are relaxed

Europe's border-free zone expands

More illegal immigrants could sneak in when border controls are relaxed

Immigration out-paces British exodus

It's official: England is the most crowded country in Europe

You may be asking why the NWO need to have a open borders society because they need borderless one world fascist government through the implementation of the EU and North American union. Also they need crime to go up for the sheepie to beg for more government intervention to interfere in our lives. Also to destroy countries sovereignty to prepare us for the one world government.

Soft with Foreign Criminals

Britain has turned away only TEN EU criminals since 2004

Thousands of foreign criminals allowed to stay in Britain

So police cannot be brother with foreign immigrants committing crimes and not sending them back and having a reckless open borders policy, this will ultimately lead to a organism of the government which owns the police force to grown much larger to interfere in our everyday lives . As you can the see NWO create the problem have the dumb down sheepie public to react to it and they offer the solutions they actually created. Problem-reaction-solution

Police State

Big Brother Britain: Government and councils to spy on ALL our phones

Tens of thousands of CCTV cameras, yet 80% of crime unsolved

Britain becoming a Big Brother society, says data watchdog

Nearly a million UK children on DNA database

Microchips in dustbins spy on three million

Street Photography Now Illegal In United Kingdom

Air passengers will be forced to give 53 pieces of personal information in new terror crackdown

Londoners Interrogated Over Journey Plans

Government Report: Bio-Weapons Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulation

Revealed: 800 public bodies now have powers to 'snoop' on our phones and emails

In conclusion the only way to stop them is by waking up the sheepie and spreading the truth to everyone for the sake of humanity because if you don’t the world will literally turn into hell if they win. In Part 2 Breakdown of Morality.

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