Monday, February 4, 2008

The Organism of the HIV/cancer/drug industry

Organisms have their life on its own and don’t serve the people even if the persons health on the line. As you can see from this 3 minute animation clip that its not being used as a benefit to the individual but rather the benefit of that particularly industry/enterprise even it’s a complete fraud.

Drug Industry

The Drug Story click here

The Rockefeller’s bride the school media and government to accept that pharmaceutical industry. They also discredit alternative medicines and in some banning them outright. They are very unhealthy and often had side effects. As human beings we are designed to cure through natural remedies not chemical instability of toxics caused by drugs to destroy our bodies.


Exposing Aids Documentary Click here

The human side of people recovering from HIV through Natural remedies Click here

For example a person that would get HIV would be said to the death priest aka doctor they would believe the false belief that HIV causes Aids without out no real evidence. Patient being told the he/she going live in a certain amount of time this cause the person a mental breakdown leading to a stigma. They would take dangerous drugs like AZT or any other dangerous drugs which would destroy the person’s body. The patient would fulfil the self fulfilling prophecy and would die within that time timeframe. Even if the patient does die after the date by even 1 day after the doctor prescribed him/her he would be considered a successful cure. Aids was a man made disease created by the NWO to depopulate the earth of gay males and Africans. Scientists who speak out against this billion dollar industry will be fired and ridiculed.


Story of the cancer industry click here

Similar to the HIV-Aids industry however when the cure was found by Royal Raymond Rife the Cancer industry could not handle this truth so they destroyed his work and continue this myth that they short time away to finding a cure.. While cancer rates goes from 1-33 hundred years ago to now 1in 3 getting cancer. Causing constant hysteria in the media to scare the population was highly paid propaganda by the cancer industry. They even killed famous actor Steve McQueen when he was cured by Nature based therapy by Dr Kelly. He was about to expose the industry however got killed in routine surgery.

In summary enterprises mentioned above are similar to organisms they have a life of it own to the single individual. It doesn’t matter which industry it is. They are there to serve itself and not the individual. Do you research a find alternative health remedies that the mainstream media will not cover such as chiropractors, Naturopaths, Naprapaths, Osteopaths, Faith Healers, Spiritualists, Herbalists, and Christian Scientists,

The pharmaceutical industry is a dangerous and corrupt industry but I am not saying the entire alternative ones I mentioned will work however do you own research and come to your own conclusions because this is important to look after you own health at the end of the day.

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