Thursday, March 6, 2008

The War on consciences

The War on consciences

The New World Order for more then a thousands years have brainwashed the masses to believe in their agenda. The individual have been programmed all their lives to act a certain way. The person’s individuality is constantly attacked by the hordes of other human beings in the consensus trance. The consensus is basically group think of the many different groups in our society. The Elites do a strategy known as divide and conquer. The elites have their used this tactic to kill off the Africans. Ideologies such as cultural Marxism which had be merged from Anne Freud teaching known as politically correctness that stems from mainly from the corrupt feminism and race relations movement. which has be infiltrated by the New world order in the 60’s. The ideology of the victim hood.

It ranges from race, religion, occupation, the Goth, punks, Rockies and many other groups. At the end of the day they conform to society to what the TV says which is controlled by the NWO. Here is a typical life of a person that lives in the system. They are born and brainwashed by the school system. From my article how the NWO brainwashed the masses. They work in the system by getting all the grades till they are 21+. They work all the life in the 9-5 rat race till they are 65 and their income substantial declines. They need to handrails from government and society. People with different routes towards earning money will be looked upon with ridicule by the brainwashed Prussian school system to be trained to be obedient employees and consumers. When the person retires in 65 from the UK research shown from the age of 25 by the age of 65:

1 will be rich
4 will be financially independent
6 will need to be still be working
32 will be dead
57 will be dependent upon the state

I am not advocating that you will be financially free and you will be happy. You can be happy and be poor. Also you can be one of the richest person and be the most miserable person in the world. This is shown by the NWO elites, they are miserable psychopath people. They emotionally necrophilia they dead from within their inner republic. Their only pleasure is killing people and causing so much misery to other as that they feel that mess from within themselves. The male sheepie that are part of the consensus trance they tend to have empty relationships with females that are with them but not into them because those themselves are outer directed and scared to death to be single. 50% of couples that are married get divorced however the 40% is unhappily married and only stay because of the children and the mortgage. Each of us need to of being in good health, spiritual/personal development, financial, overall life and most importantly healthy healthy relationships with our selves. To find ourselves and create you own life given to you by yourself and not the collective. What holds us back is the cruelty to ourselves such as the following.

“Not smart enough”
“Not attractive enough”
“Not tall enough”
“Not thin enough”
“Not rich enough”
“Not social/active enough”
“Not witty enough”
“Not still enough”
“Not control enough”
“Not altruistic enough”
“Not holy enough”
“Not perfect”

This is a form of Masochism and this ultimately leads to sadism cruelty to other people. The sheepie live in the inauthentic life that leads to the symptoms of the following.

Hyper tension
Obsession with appearance
Fitness mania
Excessive expectations
Chronic dependency
Approval from others

In conclusion we as human species create the life we live in. The very people in you life ultimately reflects our psyches. Ultimately problems in our external life ultimately lead to our consciences (internal life) Our Internal life works with the universe and causes the external life in our lives. So a messed up person emotionally will always have people just as toxic as each other and vice versa. This is also reflected on the politically level as well as a species will have as a collective group conscience. At this very time the collective conscience is in the sewer and the elites are giant rats and maggots feeding upon the dead corpse of the human race. The only way to defeat them is to find you selfhood/ soul and when you do. Find you way to fight the NWO in your unique way. Whether you start you own website, Blog, movies, lectures, documentaries, radio shows protest groups, books and other many other ways to join the unorganised anti nwo movement. Pick a specialist issue or the general bigger picture. Which this movement this has only been born in the last 50 years with Eustace Mullins in the USA. People shouldn’t be pessimist as we live in this unique time in the information age. Our ancestors were living for only 25 years and people couldn’t travel beyond 10 miles to where they lived. Humans will need to be find their selfhood as people with toxic inner life will have their lives exposed and their masks/persona will be removed whether they like it or not.

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