Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Hegelian Dialectic

Throughout human history the elite have enslaved humanity for thousands of years by ideologies which would be in paper complete opposites to oppose to each other were in fact control from the same hand. The illuminati can be traced back to the corrupt Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton where the bloodline of the ruling elite can be traced to Egyptian times. The reason why the elite murdered the ingendious people of many countries and stole their wisdom and used it for their evil uses to enslave humanity is because their plans couldn’t executed without murdering the great druids/native Americans and stealing their knowledge thanks to the orders of Vatican. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel both working for the illuminati and the messiah compared to Jesus Christ to most liberals devised the term Hegelian Dialectic to enslave humanity.

From there the birth of Christianity was created to control the masses and another opposition was created the Vatican to control the human race. The following ideologies are financed by the elite to have the ultimate goal of one world government but we need to remember countries were formed by the elite to divide the human race and tribes as well. Here are the following ideologies that opposed each other to he were formed back up to the present time when most of the druids were massacred by organised religion.

Please note the religions that are organised and followers that go to church, mosque, temple and Gurus. This is not for people that follow those ideologies but is more individual and not going to the places mentioned above.
Vatican VS Christianity
Christianity VS Islam
Male VS Female
Hinduism VS Islam /
Islam Shiite VS Islam Sunni
Islam VS Judaism
Judaism VS Vatican
Judaism VS Christianity
Illuminati (see note 1) VS Vatican
Britain VS America (America revolution) (see Note 2)
Confederates VS Northern states
Protestant VS Vatican
Protestant VS Catholics
Evolution VS Creationism (Christianity)
Corportism VS Communism (Marxism)
World War 1 all major sides financed by the Illuminati
Lucis trust VS Christianity (see Note 3)
Zionism VS Nazism
England VS Germany
USA VS Japan
Hamas VS Zionism
USA VS Soviet Union
(See note 4) Cultural Marxism VS Christianity
Christianity VS 2nd/ 3rd wave Feminism
Islam VS Cultural Marxism
Neo conservatism VS Cultural Marxism
Al Qaeda VS Neo Conservatism
Council National Policy VS Lucis Trust
CNP VS Zeitgeist
Psychiatry VS Scientology

Note 1: Known as freemasonry infiltrated by Illuminati
Note 2: The Constitution Con Click here
Note 3: Theosophy infiltrated by Illuminati click here
Note 4: Commonly described by most people as political Correctness that’s includes the following movements emerging the Feminists, homosexual/bisexual and black civil rights movement

In the future, I will cover some of the false conflicts with their respective ideologies to divide the human race.

Next Article: War on Consciences Part 1 Dealing with you inner house first.

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