Saturday, January 16, 2010

War on Consciences Part 1 Dealing with you inner house first

When we born we are products of the state, we looked by the elite as cattle products of the state. We are programmed by the so called education compulsory school system for 11 years to be cogs in the machine. We teach not how to think but what to think, memorisation of textbooks to achieve high grades. Some schools even implement an set system where the so called clever kids are in set 1 and the dumbest kids are in the lowest thus causing physiological damage to the pupil but creating an sense of Moral superiority over others pupil, thus reinforcing sick hierarchy in society. Pupils are brainwashed to be employees and shallow consumers.

"Slavery was not abolished; it was merely reduced to 8 daily hours."

Our parents being no different get along with this deception by worshipping the ideal of the Prussian school system. We worship getting get good grades getting an degree then finding an good job for 40 -45 years in the rat race working the 9-5 5 days an week which just basically an extension to school. Our parents were perpetually war with their kids to fit in to be slaves in society and we called that love. You may be asking what’s this have to do with consciences, it’s got everything because human consciences is being turning into machines. We virtually programmed by society to be an employee of the UK or USA corporation.

We are conditioned to be violent toward each other because we are constant in isolation from each other. You are raised to be an Christian, Muslim, Hindu and go to Mosques, churches, and temples which are created by thought by human beings not some mystic figure in the sky which is an ultimately an projection of man’s delusions. You may not be religious but you guru is just as bad submitting your energy to another human being from you inner emptiness. You also have Nationalism and race that divides human race thinking they the best nation, race or tribe in the world.

You may not be brainwashed by religion but you may look at particularly people for you salvation such as Peter Joseph, Karl Marx or Noam Chomsky as your guru. All the pain and suffering in the world is because of capitalism they say but ultimately it’s another projection of not facing who you are.

We need to divide ourselves being psychologically an liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, Anarchist, libertarian and not an human being. We also like to involve ourselves with carnival of the political parties like Democrats, republicans, Labour, Conservatives, Liberal, Democrats, which leads to no changes We have million and one ways to distract ourselves from knowing ourselves with jobs, materialism, fashions, celebrities, entertainment, sports, clubbing, pubs and clubs. Also we obsessed with sex which ultimately is an escape from forgetting ourselves. I’m not advocating not having sex. We also fall in so called love with someone and you obsess with that person and if that people rejects you become depressed lonely and angry but if she/he says yes you have pleasure and when you have that emotion you always inevitable feel pain then you become possessive, anxiety, and angry. If she/he leaves you become depressed because that human being has become the centre of your universe. Tremendous violence happens between human beings everyday not just physically but physiological to each other. Also the self hate as an form of violence to ourselves and you try to fix external problems in the world’s just causes more misery and confusion to yourself and the world.

The Criticisms of the anti NWO movement

99% of the anti NWO movement stories is centred finger poking at the illuminati for the all the injustices of the world. We would project all our anger /pain at the symptoms rather then the very root of it is our consciences, which is in the sewer and the rats which eat the flesh of the dead. The 2 roots of this conspiracy is basically human beings inner house is in disorder and don’t know handle to violence, anger, envy, attachments and loneliness within ourselves and you use escapism to not know yourself. The 2nd root is that there is an external agency which is the illuminati are the rats in this case feasting upon the death corpse conscience of human beings. There is an relationship between the tyrant and human race as you won’t deal with your inner house and the Illuminati say don’t worry we have all sort of prisons the slave can choose from submitting you energy to psychopaths.

Divisions within the movement

Just like mainstream society there are many fragments to the movements one of them who is at the top of the pyramid the Is it Jesuits, Jews, Zionists, Royal family, Satan, Lucifer, Theosophy, Rothschild’s, Aliens, and reptiles. Each group fighting amongst themselves and saying there are agents working for the illuminati. When you look how we are broken into many fragments and violent amongst ourselves you expect peace in the world? Another distraction to not knowing ourselves obsessing all the time who’s at the top of the pyramid perhaps Patrick Macgoohan figured out who’s at the top of the pyramid and you cannot handle the truth.

Everyone is an agent

Most attacks within the truth movement are around Alex Jones being an agent. Most of the hit pieces is mainly based him not mentioning the Jesuits, Zionists, and Jews therefore he is an agent. If you don’t like Alex Jones that’s fine please does something constructive for example writing a blog, Documentary, website or a book make films etc. Not whine in some forum or build an website attacking other anti NWO activists. Humans like to attack genuine successful people because we are violent, jealous, envious and angry within ourselves then we project all the pain and suffering to someone else thus creating another to escape to not deal with you problems. The worst ones are the videos that claim everyone that is known in the truth movement is an agent and Jesus Christ is our only saviour.

Battle for moral supremacy

Criticism of the Zeitgeist Movement

Various solutions have come to the truth movement each varies. One of them that we get rid of use of money and have an resource based economy using technology and blames all the suffering and pain to the external environment. He forgets to mentions if he’s ideology was implemented then millions of people would have been dead because their followers would be infiltrated by the illuminati. As all organised resistance against the elite throughout history for example the race relations movement and the 60’s anti war movement. Jiddu Krishnamurti was featured at the beginning of the documentary.

"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect".
J. Krishnamurti

Most viewers would assume Krishnamurti would support Peter Joseph. However Krishnamurti was talking about dealing with your consciences and finding truth within yourself not through some ideology or organised religion. Which is similar to Marxism that Peter Joseph subscribes as an form of collectivism. He advocates technological advancement as an relief to all human reliefHe forgets to mention the dark side of technological advancements, Atom nuclear bombs harrp, microchip and many others which he is promoting the Borg agenda merging human with technology. However as you can see in the real world humans have progressed so much technological but physiological will have not progressed at all in the last few thousands years will still primitive violent/sadistic human beings. The Zeitgeist movement is another organised ideology distraction for the followers to forget about themselves, which is cross between the new age and Marxist collectivism.

2012/New age

Another escape form not facing yourself planet X, Maiterya, ascended masters is coming or the earth will be turned into 2 in 2012. We like to create many fantasies created by thought to not facing who you are.

Religious Extremists

The worst information you can get exposing the illuminati is from an religious perspective because it’s skewed to their ideology not to the truth. Interpretations that comes from an Christian Muslim, Hindu when they talk spirituality tends quotes verses in their so called sacred books which is created by thought not some god in the sky that is often projection of what they God is in their minds. Their solutions is often skewed to have Jesus Christ or the Imam Al-Mahdi will come back one day and destroy the illuminati and go back to church, temple and to the mosque with blind faith.

Spiritual arrogance

Most people in the truth movement like to make fun of other people that are not aware agenda of the illuminati. You often refer to them as sheepie or zombies and constantly degrade as being stupid and ignorant. We need to question why they accept the conscience trance and explore the very root why people accept the lies which be covered in an future article. We need to understand their mentality. Are we not different to the masons that look at non masons as profane thus dividing ourselves from other human beings?


At the end of the day you parents bought the lie from the illuminati registering us to have an birth certificate and take the vaccines from them. Enrolling us to school then to college and university to be cogs in the machines and to accept society’s mask, by watching TV/magazine/newspapers programmes they produce. Have an career for 50-60 years paying taxes for you enslavement then you die. During you life is full of violence, attachments, possessive, anger, anxiety, envious, pleasure in life which is common for all of humans. Then you escape to not know who you are through you jobs, friends, clubbing, drugs, alcohol Entertainment, religions gurus’ ideologies materialism fashions etc. When you know yourself then you become truly intelligent not academic intelligence which is complete non sense. At then end of the day you are the tyrant for buying the Chinese slave goods GM food accepting their lifestyles that they impose on you. When you inner house is in order when you truly understand you angry violence attachments anxiety then it completely disappears then love really flowers.

Next article War on Consciences Part 2 why most people accept the consensus trance?

More material to check out

Michael Tsarion 2012 future of Mankind click here

Architects of control click here

Lenon Honor’s Borg agenda click here

Lenon honor debunks zeitgeist Addendum film click here

Michael Tsarion - Theosophy, Hijacked Organization click here

Jiddu Krishnamurti‘s freedom from the known click here

Jiddu Krishnamurti online texts click here

How the NWO brainwashed the public Part 1: The Education system click here

Education system exposed click here

The Myth of getting a degree and getting a job for 50+ years click here

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