Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Myth of getting a degree and getting a job for 50+ years

As each of us know that 9/11 and 7/7 was an inside job and the New world order Elites are trying to kill all of us with their various evil programs. However we do not question a popular convention of getting a Degree and getting a job for 45 years and receiving a pension of a 1/3 of you income if you lucky by then. They have controlled the mainstream media and most obvious the education system but most people don’t realise that. Also with the increase of the pension age to 68. In those 40 years you are in the rat race getting paid and then paying you mortgage bills, Car insurance and other bills and leaving nothing for yourself. Also being told what to do by you boss and working with fixed hours. As the saying goes JOB stands for Just over Broke. Is there alternative way of working and earning a much bigger income to become financially free? Yes if you have financial literacy. We all know that word literacy is how big you vocabulary with the use of words in the English dictionary. Financial literacy is similar but with use of financial words to make you richer. For example the difference between an asset and liability. However this is not taught in the education system because it’s not meant to be taught.

An asset puts Money in you pocket

An Liability puts money out of you pocket

There are three types of Income

Earned income: Money you earn from you Job and it’s the highest tax rate to pay the government.

Portfolio income: Money you earn from you stocks, bonds and Mutual funds and the 2nd highest taxed out of the 3.

Passive/ residual income: Money you earn from patents, real estate, films, music, books businesses etc. This is passive income which is the least taxed. Its money you earn regardless whether you work or not.

The best way to get passive income is to increase you financial literacy by reading books, listening to inspiring real teachers and going to seminars. The easiest way to become financially free is to joining a good networking marketing company. During you time in you network marketing company you will learn the emotional skills required to be a successful business person and you can get the residual income with a very low investment to invest in other assets such as real estate and stocks.

Why are we trained to be employees in the school system?

The New World Order controls the media and school system. The type of education system we were being educated in is the Prussian school system. Which was financed by the Rockefellers Morgan and the Carnegies to dumb down the general population to control us easily. You are trained from the schools to become consumers and employees rather then financial independent people. .

How it was done?

After the defeat of the Prussians (Germans) by Napoleon at the battle of Jena in 1806, it was decided that the reason why the battle was lost was that the Prussian soldiers were thinking for themselves on the battlefield instead of following orders. The Prussian philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), described by many as a philosopher and a transcendental idealist, wrote "Addresses to the German Nation" between 1807 and 1808, which promoted the state as a necessary instrument of social and moral progress. He taught at the University of Berlin from 1810 to his death in 1814. His concept of the state and of the ultimate moral nature of society directly influenced both Von Schelling and Hegel, who took a similarly idealistic view.

Using the basic philosophy prescribing the "duties of the state", combined with John Locke's view (1690) that "children are a blank slate" and lessons from Rousseau on how to "write on the slate", Prussia established a three-tiered educational system that was considered "scientific" in nature. Work began in 1807 and the system was in place by 1819. An important part of the Prussian system was that it defined for the child what was to be learned, what was to be thought about, how long to think about it and when a child was to think of something else. Basically, it was a system of thought control, and it established a penchant in the psyche of the German elite that would later manifest itself into what we now refer to as mind control.

The educational system was divided into three groups. The elite of Prussian society were seen as comprising .5% of the society. Approximately 5.5% of the remaining children were sent to what was called realschulen, where they were partially taught to think. The remaining 94% went to volkschulen, where they were to learn "harmony, obedience, freedom from stressful thinking and how to follow orders." An important part of this new system was to break the link between reading and the young child, because a child who reads too well becomes knowledgeable and independent from the system of instruction and is capable of finding out anything. In order to have an efficient policy-making class and a sub-class beneath it, you've got to remove the power of most people to make anything out of available information.

This was the plan. To keep most of the children in the general population from reading for the first six or seven years of their lives. Now, the Prussian system of reading was originally a system whereby whole sentences (and thus whole integrated concepts) were memorized, rather than whole words. In this three-tier system, they figured out a way to achieve the desired results. In the lowest category of the system, the volkschuelen, the method was to divide whole ideas (which simultaneously integrate whole disciplines - math, science, language, art, etc.) into subjects which hardly existed prior to that time. The subjects were further divided into units requiring periods of time during the day. With appropriate variation, no one would really know what was happening in the world. It was inherently one of the most brilliant methods of knowledge suppression that had ever existed. They also replaced the alphabet system of teaching with the teaching of sounds. Hooked on phonics? Children could read without understanding what they were reading, or all the implications.

In 1814, the first American, Edward Everett, goes to Prussian to get a PhD. He eventually becomes governor of Massachusetts. During the next 30 years or so, a whole line of American dignitaries came to Germany to earn degrees (a German invention). Horace Mann, instrumental in the development of educational systems in America, was among them. Those who earned degrees in Germany came back to the United States and staffed all of the major universities. In 1850, Massachusetts and New York utilize the system, as well as promote the concept that "the state is the father of children." Horace Mann's sister, Elizabeth Peabody (Peabody Foundation) saw to it that after the Civil War, the Prussian system (taught in the Northern states) was integrated into the conquered South between 1865 and 1918. Most of the "compulsory schooling" laws designed to implement the system were passed by 1900. By 1900, all the PhD's in the United States were trained in Prussia. This project also meant that one-room schoolhouses had to go, for it fostered independence. They were eventually wiped out.

One of the reasons that the self-appointed elite brought back the Prussian system to the United States and the UK was to ensure a non-thinking work force to staff the growing industrial revolution. In 1776, for example, about 85% of USA citizens were reasonably educated and had independent livelihoods - they didn't need to work for anyone. By 1840, the ratio was still about 70%. The attitude of "learn and then strike out on your own" had to be broken. The Prussian system was an ideal way to do it.

One of the prime importers of the German "educational" system into the United States was William T. Harris, from Saint Louis. He brought the German system in and set the purpose of the schools to alienate children from parental influence and that of religion. He preached this openly, and began creating "school staffing" programs that were immediately picked up by the new "teacher colleges", many of which were underwritten by the Rockefeller family, the Carnegies, the Whitney's and the Peabody family. The University of Chicago was underwritten by the Rockefellers.

The bottom line is that we had a literate country in the United States and UK before the importation of the German educational system, designed to "dumb down" the mass population. It was more literate that it is today. The textbooks of the time make so much allusion to history, philosophy, mathematics, science and politics that they are hard to follow today because of the way people are "taught to think."

Now, part of this whole paradigm seems to originate from an idea presented in The New Atlantis, by Francis Bacon (1627). The work described a "world research university" that scans the planet for babies and talent. The state then becomes invincible because it owned the university. It becomes impossible to revolt against the State because the State knows everything. A reflection of this principle can be seen today with the suppression of radical and practical technologies in order to preserve State control of life and prevent evolution and independence. The New Atlantis was widely read by German mystics in the 19th century. By 1840 in Prussia, there were a lot of "world research universities", in concept, all over the country. All of them drawing in talent and developing it for the purposes of State power and stability.

They also training them to be employees and consumers rather then to be financial interdependent people. To train them to get a good degree and get a good job and be trapped in the rat race always paying bills until you 70+ years old and claim a pension of ¼ they used to live by.

The typical person caught in the consensus trance

They work in the system by getting all the grades required till they are 21+. They work all the life in the 9-5 rat race till they are 65 and their income substantial declines. They need to handrails from government and society. People with different routes towards earning money will be looked upon with ridicule by the brainwashed students of the Prussian school system to be trained to be obedient employees and consumers. When the person retires in 65 from the UK research shown from the age of 25 by the age of 65

1 will be rich
4 will be financially independent
6 will need to be still be working
32 will be dead
57 will be dependent upon the state

Only 5% of people will be only financial free.

In the future poor old people will not be treated under the NHS and you probably die much earlier. From this article

I am not advocating that you will be financially free and you will be happy. You can be happy and be poor. Also you can be one of the richest person and be the most miserable human in the world. This is shown by the NWO elites, they are miserable psychopaths. They emotionally necrophilia they dead from within their inner republic. Their only pleasure is killing people and causing so much misery to others as they feel that mess from within themselves and they what it affected in their outer world. However this way of living is much more productive then then 9-5 rat race.

What are the possible solutions?

To be open minded and trust you intuitions. Expand you financial literacy by learning words that will aid to be financial free. Start to learn and read 10 pages of personal development book that I recommend below

Stick with you job however start you own part time business such as a good networking company,start and business or learn about propety investing. You earn enough money a mouth from you business and quit you job and to become financially free. To be you own boss and work the hours you want to and hopefully you fighting the New World Order as well.

As you increase you financial literacy you become more confident you can invest in real estate to have passive income and other forms passive income assets such as from businesses and stocks etc.

Don’t buy the propaganda from mainstream society from the news, schools and universities to work all you life and retire with a low pension. Ignore people that are brainwashed to believe the only way to live is to trapped in the rat race all you life.

Recommended web stream

Phil Valentine

Education system exposed parts 4-8 click here

Borg Agenda by Lenon Honor click here

Recommended reading

(Free online book) Dumbing us down by John Taylor Gatto click here

(Free online book) Underground History of Education
John Taylor Gatto Free Online book Underground History of the education system Click here

Rich dad Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki click here
Rich dad poor dad the cashflow Quadrant click here

How the NWO brainwashed the public Part 1 the Education system. click here

Prussian School system article click here
Against school article click here
History of Compulsory Education click here

Recommended radio interviews Alex Jones Interviews John Taylor Gatto Part 1 click here
Alex Jones Interviews John Taylor Gatto Part 2 Click here

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