Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Breakdown of the Black Family

The Breakdown of the Black Family

One of the most tragic developments to emerge within the American black community is the steady erosion of the black family. With a high percentage of teen pregnancies and 70% of all black families being headed by a woman, the traditional black family, which has historically been a strength of the black community, is now in danger of extinction.The U.S. has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and births in the western industrialized world, costing us 7 billion dollars annually. Each year, almost 1 million teenage women--10% of all women aged 15-19 and 19% of those who have had sexual intercourse--become pregnant. One out of three Americans is born out-of-wedlock. The stats are 70% for blacks and 45% for Hispanics.

According to the Population Resource Center, out-of-wedlock teen births differ greatly by race. In 1995, 94 percent of black teens who gave birth were unmarried whereas 72 percent and 75 percent of births to white and Hispanic teens respectively were out-of-wedlock. The largest increases in out-of-wedlock births have been among white teens. Teens account for 31% of all out-of-wedlock births.Teen mothers:~are more likely to give birth to babies with a low birth weight~are more likely to have children who perform poorly in school~are less likely to have children who complete high school (only 1/3 of those receive a diploma)~are much less likely to have obtained a college degree by the age of 30 (1.5% graduate from college)~are much more likely to wind up on welfare (80% will look to the government to support their child(ren) and themselves).~son’s are more likely to wind up in prison~daughter’s are more likely to become teen mothers themselves~are more likely to have children in special education (there’s a higher percentage of developmental disabilities in babies born to teen mothers).

How has this happened? Why in the black community, a community who historically has had socially conservative views? One obvious explanation is the decline in marriage rates. This is across the board, racially, but for blacks this decline is even more pronounced. One widespread theory is that the government pays girls to get pregnant. Of course that’s not their intent, but it is, in fact, what the government does. If a teen gets pregnant, she receives welfare. If not outright encouragement, it’s definitely positive reinforcement.Additionally, some teens lack education, regarding pregnancy, which should come from the family. But, we know we can’t always rely on parents to do good parenting, but it’s way past time for some parents to start. Boredom, too, is one reason given when teens are asked why they got pregnant. Many poor black teens have low self-esteem, and therefore have little self-respect. Many teens feel that they have few options in life. In poverty stricken, inner-city neighborhoods, there are few positive role models for children.Rebellion has also been cited as a reason some teens become pregnant. What has also been vocalized, by teens, is the need for love - love, in this case, from the baby. Peer pressure also has a large impact on teen pregnancy.

When positive social support is missing, teens have an assortment of negative influences to choose from.So, what do we do about this dilemma? I recommend Abstinence Education programs. They have been proven to be effective. Washington policymakers should be aware of the consequences of early sexual activity, the undesirable contents of conventional "safe sex" education programs, and the findings of the professional literature concerning the effectiveness of genuine abstinence programs. More on Abstinence Education Programs.As previously stated, the decline of people getting married has been named as one reason for a higher rate of out-of-wedlock births. By the age of 30, 81% of white women marry, 77% of Hispanic women and only 52% of black women.One explanation for the decline in marriage among black women is the small pool of marriageable black men. Joblessness, incarceration and higher mortality are the principal reasons for the small pool. Another theory states that the legacy of slavery, where blacks were frequently separated from their families, has carried over to the present day.

The problem with this theory is that marriage rates for blacks were high, like everyone else’s until the 1960s, so how can they explain the long period of time when blacks did marry in large numbers?One of the most cited and respected theories comes from an unlikely source - Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the senator from New York, who is now deceased. Even though Moynihan was a Democrat, his legendary Moynihan Report, is often cited by conservatives when discussing urban policy. The report was based on studies done by black sociologist, Franklin Frazier. The Moynihan Report, subtitled, The Case for National Action, cited current social programs, such as welfare, as the reason for problems in the black community - problems such as out-of-wedlock births and lower marriage rates. The report predicted, with accuracy, that welfare would begin the destruction of the American black family.In 1965 many, on the political correct left, tried to discredit the report calling it “cold and scientific.” They preferred a more feel-good type of discourse. This report had a strategy to keep black families in tact and yet many on the left rejected it. In addition to Moynihan’s input regarding the breakdown of the black family, George Gilder, a Fellow at Harvard, began inquiries into the causes of poverty.

In his well known book, Invisible Man, Gilder states:The release of large numbers of young men from the bonds and disciplines of marriage and family, says Gilder, always leads to a threat to social stability. Men find structure and purpose and become responsible men through marriage and work. Without a stable family order, in which adult men civilize the young men, terror necessarily rules. No array of daycare centers, police powers, social welfare agencies, psychiatric or drug clinics, special schools and prisons, can have any significant effect. When men are deprived of any family role and robbed of male discipline, they will turn to the perennial male equalizers, that is, greater physical strength and aggression.

The chief cause of poverty, says Gilder, is the utter failure of socialization of young men through marriage. Yet nearly all the attention, subsidies, training opportunities and so-called therapies of the welfare state focus on helping women function without marriage. The welfare state attacks the problem of the absent husband by rendering him entirely superfluous. In the black community, we see the consequences of these malevolent social policies on a monumental scale.(Courtesy of Issues & Views)Then there’s the Radical Feminist funded by the Rockefellers with the help of CIA approach which takes this view:Despite the reasonable and limited scope of the President's proposal, it should come as no surprise that radical feminists view it with great alarm. More info about this click here.

Denunciation of the very idea of promoting healthy marriage has been widespread and shrill in the conventional mode of radical feminists:* NOW President Kim Gandy declared: "I think promoting marriage as a goal in and of itself is misguided." She added that "Finding a man--the [Bush] administration's approved ticket out of poverty--is terrible public policy. Marrying women off to get them out of poverty is not only backward, it is insulting to women." More on the Radical Feminist approach.So, what do we do about the decimation of the traditional black family? Well, the Bush Administration has implemented sound policy aimed at strengthening the family. The Department of Health and Human Services, under the Bush administration, has developed a special initiative to support and strengthen the roles of fathers in families. This initiative is guided by the following principles:* All fathers can be important contributors to the well-being of their children.* Parents are partners in raising their children, even when they do not live in the same household.* The roles fathers play in families are diverse and related to cultural and community norms.* Men should receive the education and support necessary to prepare them for the responsibility of parenthood.*

Government can encourage and promote father involvement through its programs and through its own workforce policies.The Department’s activities account for those circumstances under which increased involvement by a father or a mother may not be in the best interest of the child. This is true for a small number of children, however. The Department strongly supports family preservation and reunification efforts when they do not risk the safety of the child.As part of welfare reauthorization George Bush plans on following through with the Healthy Marriage Initiative. Recognizing the widespread benefits of marriage, both for individuals and for society, the federal welfare reform legislation that was enacted in 1996 set forth clear goals to increase the number of two-parent families and reduce out-of-wedlock childbearing.

According to...............,For decades, radical feminists depicted marriage as an oppressive institution that was injurious to women and children. In reality, facts show exactly the opposite: In general, marriage has profoundly beneficial effects on women, children, and men.Foremost is the positive impact of marriage in alleviating poverty among mothers and children. On average, a mother who gives birth and raises a child outside of marriage is seven times more likely to live in poverty than is a mother who raises her children within a stable married family.

70 Over 80 percent of long-term child poverty in the United States (where a child is poor for more than half of his or her life) occurs in never-married or broken households.71 Moreover, the economic benefits of marriage are not limited to the middle class; some 70 percent of never-married mothers would be able to escape poverty if they were married to the father of their children. More on the benefits of marriage.The black family, historically, has been the foundation of the black community - that and the church. We need to work on rebuilding our families. I don’t believe it’s too late to turn this situation around. It will, however, take an effort from those of us who support family to get this message out to those who need it most. Sound policy and sound practices work every time.

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