Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ancient history explored Part 1 The beginnings of human trauma

This is going to be a on going series to expose the truth of ancient history which has been suppressed and destroyed by the illuminati. This piece will explore how human beings become the primitive violent being to in the ancient times to still being primitive violent human beings in the high technological age. From throwing stones to each other thousands of years ago to throwing high tech bombs to each other. The following are quotes from ancient and recent researcher’s books founding out the true root of our fragmentation and conflict in the outside world and in ourselves.

Authors Max H. Flint and Otto O. Binder wrote in their book, Mankind, Child of theStars:

Cro-Magnon Man appeared with a mysteriously improved skeletal characteristics and with a cranial capacity that is amazingly in excess by 100 cubic centimeters of that of modern man…A similarly large degree of brain expansion occurred in absolutely no other species on Earth in all the ages of the past, not has any genus shown evidence of brain mutation of acomparable magnitude since antiquity.

Julian Jaynes, author of The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, claimed that this period thousands of years ago was a time of intense psychosis for the emerging human race. (p. 27)

“..has suggested that human consciousness has changed its character even in historical times, the ego as we know it was not really in existence, except under extreme stress. And then it presented itself almost as an exterior intrusion into consciousness, like the voice of a god -Terrence McKenna (Institute of Noetic Sciences Magazine. Sept-Nov 2000 edition)”

We reproduce catastrophe because we ourselves are traumatized – both as a species and individually, beginning at birth. Because we are wounded, we have put up psychic defenses against reality and have become so cut off from direct participation in the multidimensional wilderness in which we are embedded that all we can do is to navigate our way cautiously through a humanly designed day-to-day substitute world of symbols - a world of dollars, minutes, numbers, images and words that are constantly being manipulated to wring the most possible profit from every conceivable circumstance. The body and spirit both rebel - David Watson (The Pathology of Civilization)

How did human beings who lived five thousand years ago view themselves? How did they make decisions and how did they reflect on their past? Julian Jaynes gives a radical answer to these questions: until a few thousand years ago human beings did not ‘view themselves’. They did not have the ability: they had no introspection and no concept of ‘self’ that they could think about. In other words: they had no subjective consciousness. Jaynes calls their mental life the bicameral mind. There way of thinking was connected within the universe itself and sudden something some event happened to disconnect that.

That is to say, the mind with two chambers, the mind that is divided in a god part and a human part. The human part heard voices and experienced these as coming from gods. These gods were no judging, moral or transcendent gods, but were more like each person's personal problem solvers. They were hallucinated voices that provided the answers when a person entered a stressful situation which couldn't be solved by routine. To avoid misunderstandings: the people with a bicameral mind were not at all barbarians who waved their bludgeons and uttered monosyllabic sounds. They had a fully developed language. But language alone is not enough for consciousness, according to Jaynes. The pivotal question is which concepts are available in a language. Consciousness in Jaynes’s definition is a box of conceptual tools that are not ‘included with the hardware’. It is a package of ‘software’ that had to be invented, similar like tools such as the wheel. The most important transition phase towards this new mentality was between 1000 and 500 B.C., an era from which textual sources are available: the most telling ones are the Iliad, the Odyssey and of course the Bible.

Ancient accounts of the trauma

And the daughters of Cain with whom the angels had companied conceived, but they were unable to bring forth their children, and they died. And of the children who were in their wombs some died, and some came forth, having split open the bellies of their mothers they came forth by their navels. (The Ethiopian Kebra Nagast)

In the legends of the Tahoe (California) Indians, for instance, we read of the strife:“There was a time when their tribe possessed the whole Earth and were strong and numerous,and rich; but a day came when a people rose up stronger than they and defeated and enslaved them. Afterward the Great Spirit sent an immense wave across the continent from the sea, and this wave engulfed both the oppressors and the oppressed, all but a very small remnant”

“A study of Christian history discloses the portentous fact that the concept of the “malignancy of matter,” coming into the movement from Hinduism through Zoroastrianism, became an influence overwhelmingly dominating the theology and the ethic. It bred the monstrous cult of asceticism, whose driving motivation was the idea that the instincts of the flesh must be crushed down in the interests of the spirit... The tragic consequence of this staggering default of insight are incalculable, but in all conscience overwhelming to any intelligence that discerns it. It lay the Christian mind open to the obsession of a psychological influence that has been nothing less than devastating to sanity, inflicting upon the psyche a trauma that has produced morbidity and crushed to a degree the natural instinct for human

happiness. (Alvin Boyd Kuhn, The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge)

The ancient Britons:

The profligacy of mankind had provided the great Supreme to send a pestilential wind upon the Earth. A pure poison descended, every blast was death…Presently, a tempest fire arose.It split the Earth asunder to the great deep…rain poured down from heaven, and water covered the Earth. (From Destruction of Atlantis by Ignatius Donnelly)

The Algonquin Indians relate:

Long ago, two powerful Manitous felt themselves insulted by the hero Wisaka. This put them into a fearful passion and intending to kill their enemy, they raged and roared over the Earth, which heaved and shook under their angry steps.

From the Norse Edda, we read: Then saw she wade in heavy streams, men – foul murderers and perjurers, and them who others’ wives seduce to sin, brothers slay brothers; sisters’ children shed each others blood. Hard is the world, sensual sin grows huge. These are the sword-ages, axe-ages, shields are cleft in twain, storm-ages, murder-ages - till the world falls dead

From Plato’s Timaeus:

In one day and one fatal night, there came mighty earthquakes and inundations that engulfed that warlike peoples. The people, terrified, could hardly breathe…mouths were drenched in blood, heads wallowed in blood…The face was made pale by the Evil Wind.

From Plato’s Critias:

This vast power, gathered into one, endeavored to subdue with a blow our country and yoursand the whole of the region…then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength among all mankind. She was preeminent in military skill and was the leader of the Hellenes…she defeated and triumphed over the invaders and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell between the Pillars. But afterwards, occurred violent earthquakes and floods and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the Earth and the Island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea.

From the Homeric sagas, we read:

Beneath the feet of the father of the gods Olympus shook as he moved, the earth groaned; and from the lightening of his bolt, as well as from the eyes and breath of his antagonist, fire was bursting over the dark sea. The ocean boiled; towering waves beat upon all promontories of the coast; the ground quaked; Hades, lord of the dead, trembled; and even Zeus himself, for a time, was unstrung

From these malefactors comes the notion of the removed god, a distant, immaterial and punitive “Demiurge” that requires man to repress natural instincts and live in constant guilt. From them also comes the pernicious concept of a fallen god who tempts the unwary and leads one into everlasting perdition.

They also instilled the fallacy that women are lower in ontological status than men and that they are to be distrusted and kept in subordinate positions. Polygamy, another practice pervasive in certain ancient societies, was again based on the need for these biologically “superior” entities to reproduce their kind as fast as was possible. Keeping women in submissive positions and having them uneducated mitigated against them ever wondering why they were being used as incubators. Tribes who are in true harmony with nature and who desire to remain so are instinctively repulsed by the over-population of the Earth.

“The history of the Old Testament is the history of Atlantis”. (Comyns Beaumont)

“The land - to its whole extent confusion and terrible noise... For nine days there was no exit from the palace and no one could see the face of his fellow... Towns were destroyed by mighty tides...Upper Egypt suffered devastation...blood everywhere...pestilence throughout the country.…”

Egyptian Ipuwer Papyrus of 1780 BC

From the epic Mahabharata, we read the following astonishing passage:

It was as if the elements had been unleashed. The sun spun round. Scorched by the incandescent heat of the weapon, the world reeled in fever. Elephants were set on fire by the heat and ran to and fro in a frenzy...water boiled, animals died, the enemy was mown down and the raging of the blaze made the trees collapse….Horses and war chariots were burnt up...

Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then deep silence descended on the sea. …The corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like human beings. Never before have we seen such a ghastly weapon and never before have we heard of such a weapon.

When the Mahabharata was to be translated in the last half of the nineteenth century into modern languages, the descriptions of ancient warfare were generally expunged.

His Saubha clung to the sky at a league’s length...He threw at me rockets, missiles, spears,spikes, battle-axes, three-bladed javelins, flame-throwers, without pausing....The sky...seemed to hold a hundred suns, a hundred moons...and a hundred myriad stars. Neither day nor night could be made out, or the points of compass....This weapon was so feared that “in great distress of mind” the king had the bolt reduced to fine powder and thrown into the sea. Even with these precautions, people’s hair and fingernails fell out overnight, birds turned white and their legs became scarlet and blistered, and food went bad...Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas… The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected…To escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment... (Protap

Chandra Roy's translation of 1889)

Recent History mentions of the great trauma

What then has exterminated so many species and whole genera? The mind is at first irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe; but thus to destroy animals both large and small…we must shake the entire framework of the globe. No lesser physical event could have brought about this wholesale destruction not only in the Americas but in the entireworld…Certainly no fact in the long history of the world is so startling as the wide andrepeated extermination of its inhabitants. (Charles Darwin - quote from journal, Voyage ofthe HMS Beagle)

Animals that had been native for millions of years disappeared under circumstances thatwere suspiciously sudden…the loss of over 30 genera of large mammals…and many otherspecies of large animals in North America alone. (Paul S. Martin, Who or What Destroyed

Our Mammoths)

At the end of the Pleistocene about 10,000 years ago, there was an extinction event that decimated

the large terrestrial mammalian herbivores and carnivores of North America, SouthAmerica and Australia. In North America alone, more than 32 genera of mammals becameextinct …The cause of this extinction is debatable… (R. W. Graham, Evolution of New Ecosystems

at the End of the Pleistocene)

However ingeniously and with whatever subtlety we may deal with our evidence, the factsconstrain therefore to one inevitable conclusion…the mammoth and its companions perished by some wide-spread catastrophe which operated over a wide area and not through the slowprocess of the ordinary struggle for existence…not the result of gradual accumulation…butthe result of one of Nature’s hetacombs on a grand and wide-spread scale, when a vast fauna

perished simultaneously. (Henry Howarth, The Mammoth and the Flood, 1887)

From the masterpiece, When the Earth Nearly Died, by scientists Alain and Delair:In Europe immense herds of diverse animals utterly vanished off the face of the Earth for noobvious biological reason...

...Coincident with this dreadful slaughter upon the land was the deposition of myriads ofcontemporary marine shells, and the stranding at great elevations of marine mammals, porpoises,walruses and seals.

In Siberia, “the picture is everywhere one of appalling disorder, carnage and wholesaledestruction, with countless animals and plants frozen in positions of death ever since the daythey perished. As a result, their remains are amazingly fresh-looking and are frequentlyindistinguishable from those of animals and plants that have died mere weeks ago.The magnitude of the biological extinctions achieved by the Deluge almost transcends theimagination. It annihilated literally billions of biological units of both sexes and every ageindiscriminately. Only incredibly powerful flood waters operating world-wide could haveachieved such results, and only a flood produced by the means previously suggested couldhave operated globally. is astonishing that such an unscientific explanation ever came to be formulated, yet in ashort time both it and the concept of immense thick ice-sheets descending from a hypothetical northern mountain system, to cover all of northern and eastern North America and westernand northern Eurasia, was enthusiastically virtually established fact.The evidence is perfectly unambiguous. Along with the removal of an “Ice Age:” like thatwhich has been hitherto commonly envisaged, the evidence suggests that there is somethingseriously amiss with the last phases of standard geological chronology. Evidence thus converges from numerous directions to support the conclusion that, on the testimony of radio-carbon and other dating techniques, immense physical and climatic changes occurred on Earth some 11,000 years or so ago – when an Ice Age that probably never existed came to an end, and an apparently uniformitarian regime was abruptly terminated.The gigantic worldwide tectonic disturbances of the ‘late Pleistocene’ times occurred almostsimultaneously on a near unimaginable scale – precisely what could be expected from apowerful external influence but not from the ‘Ice Age’ conditions conventionally believed tohave existed then. Significantly, a drop in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field appears to have occurred sometime between 13,750 and 12,350 years ago...attended by various other important

changes, including earthquakes, vulcanism, water table fluctuations and large scale climaticvariations. Of these, severe earthquakes in particular may even induce axial wobble, andpolarity reversals.

Studies have shown that at 10,178 BC, or over 12,000 years ago, the celestial Pole was

inclined at an angle of 30 degrees from its present position. This in turn strongly suggeststhat the terrestrial axis then oriented differently from today. Archaeologists all over the world have realized that much of prehistory as written in the existing textbooks, is inadequate, some of it quite simply wrong…

What! No Ice Age which came and went, spreading over hundreds of thousands of years as all good geologists proclaim? No smothering ice sheets which enveloped the British Isles and much of the northern parts of the Continent, changed the climate to Arctic conditions -although, strangely enough, much of our fauna and flora survived despite it - and compelledall the survivors to flee? No lengthy periods of ice alternated with warm and even sub-tropical climatical interludes? No. Nothing of the sort. There was admittedly a tremendous convulsionof nature, which had the most direful effect upon the inhabitants of Scandinavia, the British Isles, and those in Northern Asia. It resulted in giving us, it is true, bitter cold, tremendous floods, and cruel dampness. That it affected the climate in the north adversely andpermanently cannot be denied. It did other things as well. But no Ice Age.

(Comyns Beaumont, Riddle of Prehistoric Britain)

It was an event…sudden, rapid, devastating, and appalling in its magnitude, and destructiveness.It was a celestial impact of an immense cometary body… It rained or distributedrocks, stones, boulder clay, till, gravel, sand, and other materia over great areas, utterly obliterating certain parts, elevating others, and entirely missing some regions. It created islands, drowned others, caused immense tidal waves which swallowed up coastal lands,consumed huge spaces with electric waves, set up volcanoes, and swept away cities and

largely populated districts almost in a flash. (Ibid)

It has been suggested…that the changes now at work in prehistory herald the shift to a “newparadigm,”…made necessary by the collapse of the first paradigm…(Colin Renfrew, Before


Evolution debunked

“There is nothing to show to what race the first inhabitants of Mesopotamia belonged…At adate which we cannot fix, people of a new race made their way into the valley, comingwhence we do not know…

Sir Leonard Woolley Ur of the Chaldees

In Uriel’s Machine, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas write:

…Neanderthals did not contribute mitochondrial DNA to modern humans; Neanderthals are not our ancestors…

An ‘all-important transition’ did occur, but it happened so close to the present moment that we are still reeling from it. Some here in the vestibule of history, just before we started keeping records on ourselves, something happened that turned a passably precocious animal intoa human being.

The Neanderthal Enigma, James Shreeve (on human development)

“Most evolutionists believe that it (life) was generated long ago but perhaps it never was…Perhaps the Earth was infected from elsewhere…”

Harvard scientist John A. Ball

Man is a unique animal. He stands out like a sore thumb when comparisons are made with his cousins, the apes. The differences are more numerous than the similarities. Darwin’sTheory of Evolution is simply unproven. Scientist Gunther RosenburgMost controversial is the evolutionary question. I have done a great deal of work on Darwin and can say with some assurance that Darwin did not derive his theory from nature butrather superimposed a certain philosophical world-view on nature and then spent 20 yearstrying to gather the facts to make it stick

Scientist/cosmologist Immanuel Velikovsky,

It took man over a million years to progress from using stones as he found them to the realizationthat they could be chipped and flaked to better purpose. It then took another 500,000years before Neanderthal man mastered the concept of stone tools, and a further 50,000years before crops were cultivated and metallurgy was discovered. Hence, by all scales ofevolutionary reckoning, we should still be far removed from any basic understanding ofmathematics, engineering or science – but here we are, only 7,000 years later, landingprobes on Mars…So, how did we inherit wisdom, and from whom?

Laurence Gardner

And most mysterious of all, we have the following from the mouth of one of theacclaimed co-founders of the Theory of Evolution, Alfred Wallace himself:

“… some intelligent power has guided or determined the development of Man”

These acclaimed scientists, point out that there are many other specialists with seriousdoubts about the relation of Evolution Theory to the origin and ascent of Man. They state:

…we are not quarreling with natural selection…as it applies to other creatures…But we dostate unequivocally that Darwinian Evolution and natural selection do not apply to mankind at all.

They draw our attention to 35,000 years BC to the specific transition from the species of Neanderthals who were not our ancestors to Cro-Magnon who are believed to be.

They write:

And the greatest riddle of all comes up – where did Cro-Magnon Man, the first of our own

Homo sapiens species, come from 35,000 years ago? The disappearance of Neanderthal Man and the advent of Cro-Magnon Man at approximately the same time is one of the truly big stumbling blocks to the Evolution theory, for they are non-sequitur species. Neanderthal most decidedly could not be the direct ancestor of Cro-Magnon, for they were two distinctly different types of human, physically and even skeletally. Neanderthal Man endured both cold and mild cycles with apparently equal success. He continued to exist in western Europe right up to about 35,000 years ago, and then he abruptly disappeared. The evolutionary tendencies that he exhibited during this period are extremely puzzling. For he seems to have gotten more “primitive,” not less so. Classical Evolution theory simply cannot account for these two events. First, the abrupt disappearance of a whole well-entrenched species, plus the abrupt debut of a better species. Second, the fact that the Neanderthal species retrogressed and became more primitive as time went on. Natural selection and survival-of-the-fittest are square pegs that cannot be hammered into those round holes…


From the quotes above it should be remembered these traumatic events affect the whole of mankind and it’s not separate from you and it’s deeply in you racial memory. From the above events it created thought. Thought has created buildings airplanes, roads, cars technology etc on and it’s to plan out things in our life such as direction in our life’s and getting to places .However psychological thought has caused so much pain and suffering in the world. When a person is violent he tended to create churches, temples, mosques, gurus, ideologies, nationalism etc to submit his energies to the collective hive mentality. When you say I am violent and you say someday you will get rid of violence, you only fooling yourself. Not create the total opposite which is non violence. However to explore violence within ourselves and to understand its very root of it. All parts will have observation to quickly describe how this caused conflict in our lives and to heal it.

Coming soon Ancient history explored Part 2 Druids, Ireland and Aryans

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